Sanderson Firm Presents- Medicare Set-Asides: Determining the Best Path

On August 25, 2021 at 1:30 PM EST, join Heather Schwartz Sanderson, Esq. for a webinar to take-away a comprehensive understanding of the various methodologies in protecting Medicare's future interest via future medical allocations/Medicare Set-Asides (MSAs).

Traditional MSAs and Evidence Based MSAs will be explored, along with what factors should be utilized to determine the best path to settlement. The webinar will also explore clinical and legal methodologies to obtain optimal outcomes with both traditional and Evidence Based MSAs. You won't want to miss this webinar packed with strategies to save you time and money on your settlements with MSAs.

Registration is FREE; however no CEUs/CLEs will be offered.

Register here:


Medicare and Marijuana: Preserving Settlements in the Face of Evolving Legalization Laws


Injured Worker Attempts to have Medical Marijuana Included in Medicare Set-Aside