CMS announces Webinar regarding Section 111 Worker’s Compensation Medicare Set-Aside Reporting
On February 23rd, 2024, CMS published a technical alert confirming a new upcoming requirement that workers’ compensation Responsible Reporting Entities (RREs) will be required to report certain WCMSA information to CMS through Section 111 reporting beginning on April 5, 2025.
Yesterday, March 25th, 2024, CMS published an alert announcing a webinar regarding the upcoming WCMSA reporting requirement. The alert states:
CMS will be hosting a second webinar regarding the expansion of Section 111 Non-Group Health Plan (NGHP) Total Payment Obligation to Claimant (TPOC) reporting to include Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside (WCMSA) information. After the first webinar in November, CMS received additional questions and feedback from the industry. The intent of this webinar is to ensure that RREs will be prepared for the change once implemented. With that in mind, this webinar will include a background recap, summary of technical details, updated timelines and CMP impacts. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer session. Because this expansion impacts reporting of WCMSAs, it is strongly recommended that Responsible Reporting Entities (RREs) that report Workers’ Compensation settlements attend.
Sanderson Firm Commentary:
Given the significance of the WCMSA reporting requirement and technical changes, we welcome CMS’ announcement of this webinar.
Sanderson Firm has received numerous questions from clients regarding the technical changes, aggressive implementation timeline, as well as impact on Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP) exposure as well as potential coordination of benefits concerns. We look forward to CMS providing updates and clarifications during this webinar. To register for the webinar, please see the event information located within the CMS Alert. Sanderson Firm will also plan to issue a blog recapping what was stated on the webinar, so please stay tuned for updates.